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Unemployment situation in Nigeria has regarded economic development and growth ever since 1981  after the declaration of Austeinsy measure. The evil effects of unemployment is a visions circle that cripples and economy. 
It is against this background that I was motivated to choose this topic to identify how small scale business can provide the necessary solution with particular reference to Aniocha geo political territory.
I believe that unemployment is a major problem in Nigeria especially in Aniocha local government area and that this problem can only be solved by the establishment of small scale business. This study is embarked upon with qualitatively that employment potentials of small scale business is the necessary solution to our employment and economic malaise.
The researcher while embarking on this study intends to make use of primary data through the use of questionnaire to be distributed to some selected small business operating in Aniocha.

This data had been analysed using Test Hypothesis  to show  whether a relationship exist between increase in small scale business and employment in Aniocha local government area.
Also secondary method of data collection through the use of information from small scale business in Aniocha area; and federal office of statistics would be employed with a view of showing the number of and increase in small scale industry and increase or decrease in unemployment in Aniocha. Besides, there are journals news papers and delivered papers would be examined as they relate to this topic.
The analysis and testing of the data would suggest whether the null or alternative hypothesis would be accepted. The writer intend to draw an inference from the conclusion given by the result and on that basis recommend to the government, especially  Aniocha local government area, on what direction she is expected to follow and direct her policies, this is because this study is particularly significant to the locality.


Title page
Table of contents

1.0            Introduction
1.2            Statement of problem k
1.3            Scope of the study
1.4            Objective of the study
1.5            Statement of hypothesis
1.6            Significant of the study
1.7            Limitation of the study
1.8            Definition of terms

2.0            Review of related literature
2.1     The role of business in society
2.2     The important of employment to national economic well being
2.3     The classification of employment into self employment and paid employment
2.4     Small scale business as a source of self employment and paid employment
2.5     Aniocha L.G.A and employment in Nigeria

3.0            Research Methodology
3.1     Research design
3.2     Population of study
3.3     Sampling sign and design
3.4     Method of analysis

4.0            Data Presentation
4.1     Data analysis
4.2     Test of hypothesis

CHAPTER FIVE             
5.0            Conclusion
5.1     Summary of findings
5.2     Recommendations
5.3     References
5.4     Bibliography
5.5     Appendix A
5.6     Appendix B 


There is no doubt whatever that small scale and medium scale enterprises constitute the real public of a nations economy. And to say that the present and future economic advancement of this our great country (Nigeria) and Aniocha local government area (which is the topic of this study). Lies in the dynamism and growth of small scale business is not an overstatement. At least this is the unanimous is opinion of an economic conference at the instance of two bodies.

A       -        The Nigeria institute of social and economic research       
B       -        The National Association of small scale industries     (NASSI) and Riedrich Allber foundation held in Lagos in 1989.

In other words, small scale business constitute a vital engine to economic growth   and development. Hwoever, the environment in which this sector operates in Nigeria is both challenging and rewarding it is challenging because it is fraught with the dangers of risks ensuring from having in the first place to invest money in small-scale business  in Nigeria and the problems of managing it in the country recessed economy. Nevertheless, this study shows that, there is, the smiling countenance of success should the small scale business be given dynamic leadership and be properly managed in the present economically recessive climate in the country.
This introductory chapter will attempt to highlight the basic facts the reader should know about small scale business in Nigeria and Aniocha local government Area in general.

At this time and age, being a paid employee is a very risky business, because the state of economic well being of the Nigeria economy is in the least stable. This has motivated both the government and individuals, to focus their interest on small scale industrial development etc. least to solve the problems of unemployments for owners and create some employment opportunities for others.

This enthusiasm not withstanding only very few individuals in the final analysis succeed in establishing their own small scale business. This further delays our desire t attain to great economic heights. The dynamic role of small scale business in our national economic progress and the motivation of entrepreneurs are into being realized to the great disadvantages of the whole economy.
The problem that now arises are if encouragement of small scale business has the potential of solving the nations unemployment problems. This major problems crops up a number of question as follows:
(a)              Does small scale business have enough employment potentials for the over growing Nigeria.
(b)             What favour constraints the growth of small scale business

(c)              How significant are lack of capital and infrastructure in the establishment of small scale business as it relates to Aniocha Local government area

(d)             What role does government policy play to encourage small scale business in Aniocha local government area.
With all these challenges, this study intends to reveal how the low productivity of small scale business in Aniocha Local government area  caused by the prevailing economic recession has affected their performance.

The study’s area of coverage is Aniocha local government area but due to some other limiting factors small scale how to be shortened to some selected small scale business firms in Aniocha. Also this study will show how small scale business help to build up management  skills in the local populace. The study will also show the basic characteristics of small scale business in the country.

Realizing the employment and other prospects of small scale industrial development in any up and coming economy such as ours, the fundamental question that arise is, how can the dynamic role of this sub-sector be more effective and economically enhanced.

Infact, there are  two ways about it other than, by creating serious awareness among be people emphasizing more on small scale Monday as best  alternative to our more towards industrialization and all talk about technology transfer.
Most importantly, if we believers economists that then half of our total economic problems area over when we have full employment  than there is need to see if small scale business among all sectors can help us attain full employment of human and material resources. Thus, the reed for this study,
Consequently, upon the above, this research is armed at identifying the core problems that hinder people from establishing and operating their own small scale business, find out what remedial actions that have taken to ameliorate the problems it is also  armed at finding possible suggestions as to show the problem can be solved.

Ho:    Small business holds no employment creation potentials in Aniocha

HI:     Small business holds no employment creation potentials in Aniocha

Ho:    There is no relationship between the establishment of small scale business and increased employment opportunities in Aniocha. 

HI:     There is no relationship between the establishment of small scale business and increased employment opportunities in Aniocha

Ho:    Besides other problems lack of capital and infraturctural facilities do hinder the establishment  of small scale business in Aniocha.

HI.     Besides other problems lack of capital and infrasturctural facilities do hinder the establishment  of small scale business in Aniocha.

Small scale industry ownership is the route to the ownership of capital and of course participation or contribution towards, the economic and industrial growth of the nation. Therefore, “people are beginning to see a blind alley in purely distributed trade and are exploiting possibilities in the small scale sector”.
Based on the problems and objective of this research the following questions have to asked: -
(a)              Does small scale business hold any employment potential in Aniocha?

(b)             Is there any relationship between the establishment of small scale business and increase in employment in Aniocha?

(c)              Besides other problems, are lack of capital and infrastructure hinder the establishment and growth of small scale business in Aniocha?

All these questions are very important as it provides an opportunity to person who may read it to appreciate what constitute a small scale business expected problems to be encountered by new entrants. This  study is particularly significant to the Nigeria government as it afford the government an opportunity to appreciate the problems facing the establishment of small scale business in Aniocha.
However, only very few have actually realized their aspirations in this direction thereby cutting short too soon their enthusiasm and aspirations. On the other hand there has been a negative perception on the part of most indigenous citizens for having business their own. The practice for themselves is to work for others for payment. It then becomes apparent to note that existing business and up and coming ones are owned and  operated  by setters.    
This research is particularly of importance to this group of people as it provides an opportunity to person who may read it to appreciate what constitute  a small scale business and the expected problems to be encountered by new entrants, their profit and employment potentials among others.

There was numerous problems and limitations faced by the researcher, but out of all, time and finance imposed great limitation to the work as enough time and money had to be made available to travel to Aniocha as often as necessary in order to successfully accomplish the set goals. And as a poor students still striving to find a career, these are what I do not have.

Again the unco-operative attitude of the owners and makers of small scale business who despite the researchers elaborate explanation will believe that the study in are way or the other will jeopardize their business and therefore with holding information imposed another constraint to this work. There was even the year that they would be unwilling to fill the questionnaires when given. Given the use of the questionnaire was discouraging because may only of the respondents are either illiterates or semi literates, so the researcher was forced to adopt empirical observation interview and documentation to obtain the necessary and available data for the study.

1)      WHAT IS BUSINESS: For the purpose of this study, business is taken to mean an organized efforts of individuals to produce and sell goods and services geared at profit oriented.  .             

2)                ENTREPRENUERS: They are the risk take, who create business, the people who assemble all the other factors of production  in an effort to start and operate a business and to make profit.

3)                PRODUCTIVITY:    This is the measurement of efficiency by company how much is produced with the resources used.

4)                WHAT IS SMALL BUSINESS:   A small business is one that is independently owned and operated for a profit and is not dominant in its filed.

5)                MANAGEMENT: Working with and through people and other organizational resources to achieve the organizational goals and objectives.


Omobile, D (1985)         Business and Economy News watch Vol. 1 No 8 Pg 24

Onwuka, K (1987)         Small scale business reeds  attention business times

Nzelube, C.G (1990)      Management of small scale Business forth Dimension.

Omorodian, G.O (1987) Small scale industrial development process, business concord vol. 40. No 30 pg 12.

Oshaghani, T.A (1993)  Small business management in Nigeria, Longman publishers, Pg 2

Todora, P.M (1983)       Business and Economy News watch Vol. 1 No 8, Pg 24


The definition of small scale business to differs with countries and individuals. However there is no universally or generally accepted definition of small scale industry.
In Nigeria there is no converses as to what the definition of small scale business is, for instance. The Nigeria bank for commece and industries (NBCI) adopted a definition for the period (1985 – 1990) in which it defined small scale industry as “an industry with capital not exceeding N750,000 including working capital but exchanging cost of land”.
Also according to the federal ministry of commerce and industry defined small scale industry as:
“Any establishment with capital investment totaling N250,000.00 and employees”.

These, among others are the various definition given to small scale business in Nigeria. This implies that actually we do not have a definite definition on small scale both in academic circle and among practitioners.
It should be mentioned that state government adopt definitions which are not only different from that used by the federal government but also different among local and state government. Based on this definition, we found out that there are a wide range of small businesses enterprises in Aniocha Local Government Area of Anambra State among which are faring, supermarkets, bakes, medical clinics, restaurants, furniture companies, block industries, service stations, retailers in the market trashcan operators, patent medicine dealers, building contractors professional hunters and numerous others.

There are a few things a developing country or society needs as much as good business organization. Business can be seen as an economic activity undertaken to produce both goods and service  which is profit- oriented (Robock Sumonds and Scrik 1977). Because of the impact of public issues, the business institution insolvent major charges in the recent  time. An additional set of responsibilities called “social  responsibilities” were added to its traditional economic responsibilities. These days, the corporation is no longer seen as a single purpose economic institution devoted solely to developing and marketing product and service. By virtue of its size resources and impact in the society the corporation has also become deeply involved in the accomplishment of a number of social tasks. As a result of this, today’s  business enterprises are critically affected by such matters as  consumer and environmental protection, occupational wealth and safety, full financial disclosure, the political process at all level and the quality of life in the communities in which  they are located.
In Nigeria today, good business outlay  helps to increase the total outputs of commodities, increases investment, it creates chances of employment etc, therefore business is a necessity  ot the economy of any society.         

Employment is a situation when the members of the labour force are dutifully engaged in the production of goods and services employment is closely related to the population size of any given economy (optimum population refers to a situation when the size of the working population combines with other available resources to produce he maximum output per head.

At least two characteristics reflects a nation with high employment rate.
(a)              They have good industrial structure
(b)             Good income distribution which attracts foreign investors.

Employment plays a major role in the national economic well being in the sense that it helps to improve economic growth, in flow of foreign currency export of finished products, introduction of raw skills,  competition and efficiency, rapid industrialization and reduction of social ills. If may jointing of youths in Nigeria are duly employed there will be a drop in crime rate and a remarkable increase in the total output of commodities. 
In conclusion, studies helps develop institutions that reduces the extreme of income in the economy. The resulting of these will be a large and comfortable middle class confronted with a wide array of branded  products, who can be able to own automobiles and major appliances as well as enjoy leisure and take vacations.    

Self employment is the commonest from of employment or ownership of business. In this category of business, it is usually owned and by one person (ie sole proprietorship).

This kind of business has distinct characteristics:
(a)              It is the easiest form of business, once the owner begins it, it becomes its own automatically.

(b)             The profit realized become virtually his own, which means he do not share it with anyone.

(c)              One man business has no special legal restrictions. Only those general areas of civil and criminal law that apply to all forms of business ownership apply to the sole proprietor.
But in paid employment, one have to enter “contract of employment” with another in order to render services for him. Under work mans compensation Act 1973 section 90, as amended the employee and employer has equal footing in the bargaining of contract of service.
Under paid employment some features exist:
(a)              There is master (employer) and servant  (employee) relationship.
(b)             The employee is bound by law to render service to the employer.
(c)              The employer in return under industrial law, to provide work, hence the employee is ready and willing to work.
(d)             The employer has the right to give and terminate employment. Without reasons, although the employee  should be given three (3) months to sell redress in law contract.
The employer should indemnify the employee, provide job securities and incentives to the employee etc.

This history of small scale business has been with man for ages. The fact that individuals do not posses the resources for a bigger enterprise has resulted in small businesses flourishing in every economy. It’s  scope and native have also been broaden ranging from the petty trading in the streets to the large proportion of private limited companies that are usually described as family business. They have also dominated the ensure spectrum of commercial activity and collectively, they employ more workers than the public sector.
When a small scale business opened its door for business, it is usually managed and owned by one person which makes for its self employed. A key incentive to this entrepreneur is that being his own boss, he is working for himself, thus the profit derived from the business operations saves as his financial reward.
But when investment increases, market opportunities widens, and variety of products are introduced. This self employed business man sees the need to employ people. He enters into the labour market (ie the area in which exchange of labour takes place) to seek for employees who are aloowed by law to work or offer themselves for work. He negotiates wages with them in line with the government maximum wage. This has shown that at the long run small scale business is a source of self employment likewise paid employment.

A wealth of literature exists on the problems facing small scale business in Nigeria as well as employment opportunities created by the small scale business which has resulted to their failures.
In Nigeria, it is a common belief that anybody can manage a business but expense reveals that in Aniocha local government Area  the possibility joining a small scale  business is not basically the problem but managing it and creating employment opportunity. The man problem facing them is lack of adequate human labour planning this have ruined many small firms in Aniocha leading to mass un-employment. Another problem is the manner in which workers  are employed, the issue of favourism that is (God father) is the order of the day, thereby substituting mediocrity for merit, creating an undue advantage over other workers which brings commotion in the business – lack of job security  and motivation in Aniocha Local Government Area  affects workers, hence they are not sure of their slay in the organization.
The researcher believes that if all these problems are addressed, it will go along way to improve the functioning of small scale business in Aniocha and employment in Nigeria, in general.


Ewa Udu, G.A Ejili, A (1990) New system Economics Basic Economics (Part II) IMT Enugu

Baumback C.M University of Lawa “ how to organized and operate a small scale business

Onuha, B.C Entreprenueral development in Nigeria fundamentals of Business and Management in Nigeria


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