ATTENTION: BEFORE YOU READ THE CHAPTER ONE OF THE PROJECT TOPIC BELOW, PLEASE READ THE INFORMATION BELOW.THANK YOU! INFORMATION: YOU CAN GET THE COMPLETE PROJECT OF THE TOPIC BELOW. THE FULL PROJECT COSTS N5,000 ONLY. THE FULL INFORMATION ON HOW TO PAY AND GET THE COMPLETE PROJECT IS AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS PAGE. OR YOU CAN CALL: 08068231953, 08168759420 IMPACT OF EXCHANGE RATE POLICY ON NON-OIL EXPORTS IN THE NIGERIAN ECONOMY ABSTRACT The decline of non-oil exports has had adverse effect on the economy. Since 1986, the federal government has formulated policies to enhance non-oil exports, put in place incentives and institutional support framework effective implementation. This paper examines these policies to investigate the extent to which the exchange rate can boost non-oil exports especially agricultural, manufactured and mining exports. This paper is derived from the recognition that the country’s current economic predicament is partly a product of her...